Category Archives: Mid’Lantic Precision

Holiday Gratitude

Gratitude ( grat-i-tood ) noun
1. the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful


We want to express our  deep gratitude for your business and  growing relationships since 1976.

It has been our pleasure to provide to you, our dear friends, customers and associates, precision machining services this past year. Serving others and providing value is at the core of MLP values. At this time of year we are humbly mindful that we follow a greater example of serving others and strive to live that out in all we do as individuals and as a company.

We wish you lasting joy and blessed peace this Christmas!


Please note our shop is closed December 23rd thru 26th so that our employees may enjoy Christmas celebrations with their families. We are open for business December 27th thru the 30th with reduced man power. We will ring in the New Year  with our loved ones and will be eager to do business with you on Tuesday January 3rd 2017.